巨峰股份klm extended its training from september 19 to 20, 2015-和记娱乐国际

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klm extended its training from september 19 to 20, 2015
date:2017-03-07 13:26:29

first, the team needs the core
         formal expansion activities before the requirements of the two teams elected captain, the secret, logistics minister, the standard-bearer, take the team name, draw the team flag, selected team song. everyone to pick the captain as a primary task. our team soon elected the captain. then the players around the captain around the team in the unified arrangements, the division of labor. there is a saying: a lion led a group of sheep can beat a sheep led a group of lions. describe the importance of the core figure in the team. leaders should have the ability to grasp the direction and opportunity, which is particularly important for the development of the team. his charisma and ability to the team can play a pass, help, with the role of the team is the founder of cultural ideas, supporters and strong advocates. excellent team needs core.

second, the team needs democracy

         in the "infernal affairs" to expand the game, the team members are a good interpretation of the meaning of democracy. everyone you one sentence i said their own ideas, programs, complement each other, and finally determine the final strategy, which laid a solid foundation for success. a person's wisdom, after all, is limited, if only a person's words, will inevitably have trouble, nor is it conducive to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm. only in a democratic atmosphere, the establishment of team trust, improve the ability to communicate and collaborate skills to victory. excellent team needs democracy.
third, the team needs collaboration
    "amphibious assault treasure" project expansion, all members only one partner did not bring goggles, the team members do not wear goggles under the command of the companion, after a difficult journey to complete the required project objectives, but the middle may have encountered information chaos, transfer speed constraints, requiring peer trust and team security, and the rational use of information for team collaboration and cooperation, in the summary, deeply realized that the command of the partners like the company's senior leadership, the middle of the partners is the core of the middle, the first partner is the implementation of, such as in the enterprise information is not correct, the consequences will be difficult to grasp. excellent team needs help.
fourth, the team needs cohesion
        "the pressure plate dazhong off" to take the male project pk race, the project amusement and strong, strong participation, all partners do their duty, division of labor to complete, skipping pass, pig back daughter, penguin walk, grab grab grab, each group of personnel to be handed over when blowing a balloon, and squeeze the balloon, the next group can start; all the participants must take off his shoes, jumping on the pressure plate, running, but that there must be extremely perseverance can completed, especially skipping partners to the last are clenched teeth in the stick, embodies the tenacious willpower. excellent team needs cohesion.
fifth, the team needs to trust
        "excited" project, each person pull a drum on the rope, the joint efforts to a ball up the ball, the height of the ball up to no less than 20 cm drum, the number of the ball as a challenge to the goal, partners to learn from each other, unity and cooperation to complete mutual trust, to complete the goal; training students are not afraid of frustration, keep making progress, striving for success; feel mutual encouragement mutual trust to complete the positive role of the task. excellent team needs trust.
fourth, the team needs to compete

         the second day of the "dynamic orientation" activities is always the two teams of competition, the competition to mobilize the enthusiasm of the partners. division of work, looking for direction, looking for guidance pictures of the kind, there are not less than the collective photo with the passers-by 5, looking for leaves and flowers each of not less than 10, not less than 5 stone looking, each task completed speed, the quality of the progress, the strategy is constantly improving, especially on the way back to the end, the two teams are you catch up with me, running sprint, at least 2 minutes to complete riding, alexander knot, a4 paper torn after the circle must be able to pass a person's task after the task book. when the coach announced the results, the winner loudly cheers, losers immediately sum up experience, team vitality from the competition, success also from competition, excellent team needs to compete!

         summary: the team no matter what to do, have specific problems specific analysis, to do a good plan, and then a clear division of labor, responsibility to people, at the same time to strict discipline, the task assigned to people, everyone must have a strong responsibility, to complete the task to have the courage to take responsibility, to have the dedication, but also to strengthen the sense of win-win, break through the conventional way of thinking, with pioneering and innovative awareness, we must carry forward the spirit of unity and cooperation, things (small things should be fine to do), after the completion of the task and we share the joy and encourage the morale of the team, so as to become a strong team, excellent team.

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